Publication list
  1. Padhi, Seshadev; Qian, Chuanxi On asymptotic property of solutions of higher order functional differential equations. Fasc. Math. No. 46 (2011), 87–104, 34C10
  2. Padhi, Seshadev; Qian, Chuanxi On asymptotic property of solutions of higher order functional differential equations. Fasc. Math. No. 46 (2011), 87–104, 34C10
  3. Padhi, Seshadev; Qian, Chuanxi On asymptotic property of solutions of higher order functional differential equations. Fasc. Math. No. 46 (2011), 87–104, 34C10
  4. Padhi, Seshadev; Qian, Chuanxi On asymptotic property of solutions of higher order functional differential equations. Fasc. Math. No. 46 (2011), 87–104, 34C10
  5. Qian, Chuanxi Global attractivity in a delay differential equation with application in a commodity model. Appl. Math. Lett. 24 (2011), no. 2, 116–121.
  6. Padhi, Seshadev; Qian, Chuanxi Oscillation of neutral delay difference equations of second order with positive and negative coefficients. Math. Slovaca 59 (2009), no. 4, 455–470.
  7. Qian, Chuanxi Global attractivity in a nonlinear delay differential equation with applications. Nonlinear Anal. 71 (2009), no. 5-6, 1893–1900, 34K20 (34D23